500-lb Range Extender for Tesla Cybertruck

Over 80% of Model 3 Range in a Bed-Mounted Device.

Now that the Tesla Cybertruck has achieved its earliest distributions, the electric automobile fabricator is preparing to come up with legitimate extras that purchasers can acquire. One of those accouterments is the Range Extender, intended to give the Cybertruck a usable range approaching the 500 miles supposedly declared at the time the concept truck was first displayed in 2019. Yet, how much will such a unit cost and how hefty will it be?

One major anxiety voiced on the web involves just how straightforwardly the Tesla Range Extender can be lifted into and away from the Cybertruck’s truck box due to its measurement and heft. Batteries are after all ponderous and an additional 28% expansion in range would imply a considerable amount of extra mass.

According to information obtained from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), it appears that the current Tesla Cybertruck’s primary energy source has an estimated usable capacity of 123 kWh. This helps to bring the range of the vehicle up to roughly 2.75 miles per kWh of the on-board storage battery pack.

It is claimed that the Range Extender can provide an approximately 130-mile boost in range for the already stated 340 miles of the Cybertruck. To achieve this, close to 47 kWh of useful storage capacity is likely necessary. That equates to a considerable amount of 4680 cells – or approximately 450 pounds – devoted just to batteries. In addition, the unit also has additional weight due to its construction and integral components.

At around 1,060 pounds, the Tesla Model 3 Long Range battery pack comprises of 4,416 2170 cells, each being approximately 68 grams. This translates to 662 pounds or roughly 63 percent of the total weight being due to the cells.

The Cybertruck’s Range Extender is probably more lightweight given its design and the manner in which it is packaged. A reasonable conjecture could put the pack at around 550 to 600 lbs, yet, because of a more resilient structure or an heightened amount of cells, the mass could quite easily be increased further.

It has been approximated that Tesla’s Range Extender should cost a little over $16,000, equating to an extra $123 per mile of range. This number was noticed concealed in the source code of the firm’s website shortly after the accessory was declared alongside the release of the Cybertruck last week.

It is important to acknowledge that this particular feature may be included just so the cost of the Cybertruck falls within the limits of the U.S. electric vehicle tax incentives’ price threshold. At first, Tesla promised the Cybertruck would grant 500 miles of range, an outcome only reached with the Range Extender. Subsequently, by incorporating a smaller battery pack, more buyers may have access to discount their vehicle through the federal taxes savings.

In the event that Tesla incurs a production cost of roughly $100 per kWh for its 4680 packs, which is higher than their goal expenditure, there is a considerable profit-margin implicit in the $16,000 battery. Figuratively speaking, it is indicative of an earning potential of over $11,000 for each Range Extender sold, potentially even more if the cost per kWh comes to closer to target.

Officially, CEO Elon Musk has stated that the pack is meant for those making “very long trips” or “towing heavy things up mountains,” and how the pack will fit into the bed with a full-size spare tire–which could be useful on these types of trips–is still a mystery.

So, is it worth the extra expense and hassle of loading and unloading to gain this further range? Ultimately, the choice lies with the purchaser. Those planning on towing a heavy load, embarking on a lengthy journey, or driving into more inaccessible regions with fewer charging points may conclude that the answer is yes.

Yet in this particular situation, it rapidly converts the cost of the three-motor Cybertruck from $99,990 to a hefty $115,990 — much more than was guaranteed during 2019 at an asking price of only $69,900.

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