Delayed Release of Diluted Apple Car in 2028 With Reduced Features

Apple’s Car Project: Kickstarting in 2014

Plans for the creation of an Apple-branded electric car have been in progress since 2014, but they have recently encountered another hurdle. Sources with insider knowledge at the renowned technology company based in Cupertino, California, have revealed that the production of the Apple EV has been postponed from its latest estimated release date of 2026 to 2028.

According to the report, the reason for the delay was not revealed, however, sources have confirmed that the car will not be released until “at the earliest” four years from now. The report also emphasized that the Apple EV is currently at a critical juncture, with the possibility of either being launched within this decade or never making it to the market.

According to a recent Bloomberg report, there are claims that the car, known as Project Titan, will now focus on attaining SAE Level 2+ autonomous driving features instead of its original goal of Level 4.This new report echoes previous rumors stating that the car, codenamed Project Titan, will dial back its efforts in achieving SAE Level 4 autonomous driving capabilities and instead prioritize Level 2+ features.

As a refresher, Level 2 autonomous driving technology pertains to the sophisticated driving support systems currently present in vehicles, such as adaptive cruise control, lane keeping assist, and automatic emergency braking. This level of autonomy still necessitates drivers to keep their hands on the steering wheel at all times. Tesla’s latest version of Full Self-Driving, which has been recently improved, remains at SAE Level 2.

The highly anticipated Apple vehicle was once claimed to possess Level 5 functionalities, enabling it to drive autonomously under any circumstance without the need for a steering wheel and pedals. However, it is important to acknowledge the fact that not even Level 4 autonomy has been fully achieved as promised by those who have attempted it.

Several other car manufacturers, including Mercedes-Benz with their EQS model, have been conducting trials for Level 3 autonomous driving technology in the United States. Mercedes-Benz also offers Level 4 technology known as Park Pilot, but this is currently only available for airport parking in Germany. However, it should be noted that this does not equate to fully autonomous self-driving capabilities. Another prominent smartphone manufacturer and tech leader, China’s Xiaomi, has already beaten Apple to the market by releasing their production electric vehicle, the SU7, which also boasts Level 4 technology.

Recently published by Bloomberg, their report reaffirmed earlier speculations that the upcoming Apple electric vehicle (EV) will carry a steep price tag of over $100,000. This would place it in direct competition with other high-end EV models such as the Tesla Model S Plaid and Mercedes-Benz EQS in terms of pricing. However, given that the expected release date is still four years away, it is crucial for Apple to deliver an exceptional product that will justify this price point. Unfortunately, as the project has yet to show any significant signs of progress or a tangible prototype, it is understandable to have doubts and concerns about its success.

Similarly, cost has never been a concern for Apple merchandise. Despite potentially not being the top contender, the iPhone remains one of the priciest smartphones available, yet consumer interest in the desirable product continues to rise. Will this pattern continue with the release of the Apple electric vehicle? It’s possible, but innovative design will be essential. We await with eager anticipation.

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