VW Pledges No Range Decrease for SSBs

German Company Tests Solid-State Cells, Successful Results.

Solid-state batteries, renowned as the upcoming trend for electric vehicles, have made a substantial stride ahead in growth in recent times. It is expected that this technology will revolutionize battery effectiveness, supplying extended spans, diminished time to charge, and augmented safety features. International firm QuantumScape, specialized in pioneering batteries suitable for electric cars, achieved an outstanding success in the development of this advancement.

The newest accomplishment involves the corporation’s solid-state battery surpassing all criteria during the A-sample evaluation, successfully achieving more than 1,000 charge cycles. Volkswagen owned PowerCo’s extensive tests over multiple months in their battery scientific research center in Salzgitter uncovered the solid-state battery’s ability to preserve an incredible 95% capacity after undergoing the strenuous cycles. This is equal to an estimated approximate mileage of 300,000+ miles for electric vehicles which typically have a range of about 300 miles.

In standardized evaluation procedures for revised battery cells, robustness is a vital benchmark, with industry regulations establishing objectives of 700 charging cycles and no more than a 20 percent diminishment in capacity. QuantumScape’s solid-state cell not only met these preconditions but also displayed excellence in other important areas including quick-charging ability, safety, and self-discharge.

The following step in the evolution procedure necessitates fine-tuning and amplifying the production protocols. PowerCo’s integrated cell approach, employed by Volkswagen, isto be deemed to be proper for unifying solid-state cell platform.

“The results of this development are highly encouraging, and they demonstrate the potential of the solid-state cell. This could eventually lead to a battery cell that offers long ranges, can be charged rapidly, and does not age significantly. We at PowerCo are confident in the solid-state cell and are continuing to work closely with our partner QuantumScape to bring it to mass production,” commented PowerCo CEO Frank Blome.

Source: PowerCo

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