Andretti Responds to Formula 1 Entry Denial

F1 Rejects Andretti, Possible Entry in 2028

Update as of 1/31/2024: This post has been revised with comments from Andretti Cadillac and Mario Andretti.As of January 31, 2024, this article has undergone revisions including input from both Andretti Cadillac and Mario Andretti.

On Wednesday, Formula 1 officially announced that it has denied Andretti Global’s proposal to join the prestigious racing competition.Formula 1 made the decision after carefully evaluating Andretti Global’s bid to become a participant in the sport. After thorough consideration, the organization has concluded that Andretti Global does not meet the criteria required for entry into the highly competitive world of Formula 1.The renowned racing circuit has set high standards for potential teams and drivers, including extensive experience, financial stability, and technical expertise. While Andretti Global may be a successful organization in other racing leagues, they have not proven themselves to be on par with the elite competitors in Formula 1.As stated by Formula 1, their aim is to maintain the highest level of competition and uphold the reputation of the sport. Therefore, they only grant entry to those who demonstrate the necessary skills and resources to compete at this exclusive level.In conclusion, Formula 1 has decided to reject Andretti Global’s bid to enter the sport. This decision was made in the best interest of maintaining the integrity and caliber of Formula 1 races. It also sends a clear message that only the most qualified and capable teams are welcome to participate in this esteemed competition. After careful evaluation, Formula 1

According to the statement, “On the basis of the application as it stands, we do not believe that the Applicant has shown that it would add value to the Championship.” Therefore, it is concluded that the Applicant’s application to participate in the Championship should not be successful.

Just three months after receiving approval from the FIA following a thorough seven-month evaluation, Andretti Cadillac’s Formula 1 team, led by Andretti himself, has announced exciting news.

According to the statement, “We were not able to identify any material expected positive effect on CRH (Commercial Rights Holder) financial results, as a key indicator of the pure commercial value of the Championship.” This means that there was no significant impact on the CRH’s financial performance, which is a crucial measure of the Championship’s commercial worth.

The declaration has been made following the Formula One Management (FOM)’s in-depth evaluation of a potential eleventh team joining the grid. The findings revealed that Andretti’s inclusion would not only have adverse impacts on the financial aspect, but it would also place extra strain on promoters and existing teams.

According to the statement, the inclusion of an 11th team would create a heavy workload for race organizers, potentially leading to substantial expenses for some and limiting the technical, operational, and commercial opportunities for other competitors.

In spite of not receiving the green light from FOM, Andretti had been focused on preparing for a potential racing debut in 2025. He went to the extent of revealing a picture of a wind tunnel prototype on Tuesday (as pictured below).

According to motorsports journalist Marshall Pruett, who published a statement to X (formerly known as Twitter), the Andretti Cadillac team has expressed its strong disagreement with the decisions made by the FOM. The team also stated that it will not be deterred and will continue its development efforts for both its car and power unit.

Mario Andretti, the legendary F1 champion and Indy 500 victor, as well as the proud father of Andretti Global CEO Michael Andretti, recently utilized social media to voice his discontent with the Governing Body’s ruling.Mario Andretti, a renowned figure in the world of motorsports, has expressed his disapproval over the decision made by FOM. The accomplished Formula One driver and winner of the prestigious Indy 500 also happens to be the father of Michael Andretti, the current CEO of Andretti Global. Taking to X, Mario Andretti shared his disappointment with the recent actions taken by FOM.

The recent announcement from Formula 1 signals that there is still a possibility for Andretti’s F1 venture to come to fruition. This indicates that their potential entry into the 2028 season is still being considered.

The statement states, “We would have a different perspective on a request for the inclusion of a team in the 2028 Championship with a GM power unit, whether as an official GM team or as a GM customer team constructing all permissible parts internally.”

If Andretti’s participation had been given the green light, the squad would have been obligated to procure power units from an established manufacturer already present in the grid during its initial years of racing – a situation that may not have been well-received by said manufacturers. Essentially, Formula 1 expects Andretti to resolve their power unit supply arrangements with General Motors prior to entering the competition.

“In this scenario, there are additional elements that must be taken into account regarding the value that the Applicant would bring to the Championship. Specifically, the consideration of introducing a prestigious new OEM to the sport as a power unit supplier.”

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