Elon Musk: Wow at Ford F-150 Lightning Stockpile

Excess of 8,000 Lightnings Stuck on Dealer Lots

This week, a noteworthy analysis surfaced illustrating that in the United States, dealers are stocking a substantial quantity of new Ford F-150 Lightning all-electric pickups, available quickly.

As reported by CarEdge, there exist over 8 thousand Ford F-150 Lightning available for purchase – at the present moment standing at 8,128 – and they come in a variety of adaptations marked as fresh. To provide comparison, the figure of utilized cars is less than four hundred (precisely 398).

By the end of September, Ford had shifted 12,260 F-150 Lightnings in the US (a rise of 40 percent compared to the same period last year), comprising 3,503 within the third quarter (sinking by 46 percent year-on-year). All up, 27,877 were sold.

By amalgamating the two figures – cars sold (27,877) and those itemised by retailers (8,128) – it is obvious that the whole is in excess of 36,000. This provides us with the manufacturing statistics since the commencement of 2022 and it signifies that vehicles not yet sold comprise 22% of all automobiles generated. Indeed, the portion could be less if there are cars at the maker’s garage/being transported to sellers.

AJ’s (@alojoh / X) post on the X platform, owned by Tesla’s boss Elon Musk, caused a stir when he suggested that around 30 percent of the vehicles ever manufactured remain unsold. This prompted a response from Elon Musk with a simple “Wow,” which we can interpret as a surprise. However, the original post was based on incorrect calculations; AJ had divided 8,012 units by 27,877, instead of by the total.

Interesting stats, suggesting that the current cost of electric pickups could be creating some lack of demand. The Ford F-150 Lightning’s arrival has led to long line-ups of bookings; consequently, there may not be thousands of the vehicles in ready supply for buyers.

Ford made headlines this summer when they lowered the prices of their vehicles considerably. Elon Musk commented that the Ford F-150 Lightning is a “good vehicle,” but “somewhat expensive.” The Flash trim was then revealed, and an additional wave of discounts up to $15,000 were announced in October. Unfortunately, Ford is now facing production issues at their Rouge Electric Vehicle Center in Dearborn, Michigan.

It has recently come to light that General Motor’s plans to delay the commencement of producing all-electric pickup vehicles at their second EV plant, Orion Assembly. Citing demand as justification for the pause, a key query emerges- can automakers garner significant clientele at the estimated cost?

Source: CarEdge

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