Florida Man Hits Dog Walker with Corvette After Row

unpacking the details Unravelling the Details

In South Beach, Florida, the operator of a C8 Chevrolet Corvette engaged in a dispute with a pedestrian that was strolling his canines after violating a red light. In consequence, the motorist purposely collided with the man.

An unnamed bystander, reported by Miami WSVN 7 News’ Fox associate, declared that Keanen Roberts, aged 29 and a certified occupational nurse, disregarded the red light. The pedestrian in question was much aggravated by this, causing him to strike the Corvette in passing; however, no harm was done. Roberts proceeded by stopping and initiating a quarrel with the man on the sidewalk, nearly resulting in the involvement of his pets.

“It was quite a scene,” said the witness. “These two guys engaged in a fight. The guy gets out of the car, menacingly threatening the other, and the guy with the dog reacted; he landed a few punches and delivered a knee to the other. The dogs tried to jump in and attack him, but he managed to pull them off.”

It very well could have ended after the altercation. Nevertheless, Roberts decided to make matters worse and bring about a potential hazard. Following the street fight, Robert swerved his vehicle around, made a U-turn in the road, and sped onto the pavement intentionally striking thebystander.

“That’s when I think the craziness began,” the witness continued. “He hopped into his brand new Corvette and hit the gas; he wanted to mow the guy down. It was something I’d never seen before. It was a deliberate action meant to injure or even kill him. He had clearly lost his mind.”

Fortunately, the pedestrian did not meet a fatal end, however his lower extremities were severed by the motor vehicle, leading to a profusion of grave trauma which resulted in hospitalization. Blessedly, the dogs escaped unharmed. It wasn’t till at that moment that Roberts was conscious of an additional onlooker: a policeman who had retired.

Robert appeared to have had intentions of leaving his target severely injured on the pavement; however, the sergeant was prompt in initiating action and summoning backup assistance. Rapidly Robert was apprehended and indicted for a variety of felonies. The next time he is liable to encounter his victim will most likely be at his court hearing in May.

This occurrence is just another example of the road rage that is becoming rampant in the US. When someone disregards a stop signal and plows through it, it can turn catastrophic, especially if there are people nearby.

Kicking the Corvette may have not been Roberts’ most wise conduct, however the passerby had every ground to be incensed. Soon enough, he will face the consequences for his completely unwarrantable activity.

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