Mercedes S-Class, EQS With Yoke Steering Wheel

2025 Tiller Debut Expected

The steering wheel yoke has not been widely well-received by consumers, with Tesla facing criticism for its incorporation. Nonetheless, Mercedes-Benz appears to be unconcerned by this.

According to Germany’s Handelsblatt newspaper, the German automakers could perhaps incorporate a steering yoke into their flagship luxury automobiles, the S-Class and EQS. With its incorporation, it would abolish the necessity of the hand-over-hand action that may necessitate drivers to become familiar with.

To make the system function properly, it appears that Mercedes-Benz intends to replace the traditional mechanical steering column with a full steer-by-wire arrangement. This setup relies on sensors to deliver direction input to the wheels through electronic means. Fortunately, the manufacturer also intends to substitute capacitive buttons for tangible ones.

One advantage of the yoke is heightened visibility, as it does not obstruct the driver’s sight from the instrument cluster or roadway. In addition, the steering wheel can also vanish from view as it retracts into the dashboard, thanks to Level 3 semi-autonomous technology that accompanies the brand’s Drive Pilot system.

In the USA, the Drive Pilot will be presented as an alternative for the 2024 S-Class and EQS by the end of this year. The authorities of Cali and Nevada have already permitted implementation of the SAE Level 3 but have drawn criticism from legal specialists. However, it is likely that the much talked about yoke won’t be accessible until 2025.

Given the fact that the due date is four years away, Mercedes-Benz should possess an ample amount of leeway to bolster their mechanism. This procedure is comparable to Lexus noiselessly delaying the steering wheel in the RZ; they have not openly declared any error with the composition, but instead, aim to confirm it is flawless before reaching out to their purchasers.

Recently revealed photographs appear to suggest that the forthcoming Tesla Cybertruck will feature an uprated yoke steering device. Despite a rocky start, new advances from leading brands indicate this technology is here for the long haul.

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