Possibility of WRC’s Revival in USA Brings Excitement for Both Nation and Motorsport

Long-standing speculations come to fruition as WRC takes action.

It has been over three decades since North America last acted as the host for a leg of the World Rally Championship, which was in the year 1988. However, this long drought may soon come to an end as early as 2026. After conducting a demonstration rally in Tennessee in September of 2023, Stuart Wood, the organizer of Rally USA, reveals that there are plans for another event scheduled for the weekend of 14-16 June. The aim is for this event to closely resemble a typical WRC race in certain aspects. If this trial run turns out successfully, Rally USA’s ultimate goal is to secure a candidate rally for 2025, according to a report from Motorsport.com. And if this too proves to be a success, there is a high possibility that the event will make its way onto the official WRC calendar of 2026.

“It’s not a guarantee right now, but our event in June will serve as a stepping stone towards achieving that goal. Our ultimate aim is to have it recognized and included in the calendar by 2026 or 2027, that’s what we’re currently aiming for.”

It appears that the organizers are not solely focused on making a speedy profit, as WRC event director Simon Larkin has stated that there is absolutely no possibility of the US hosting a rally next year. This decision reflects their commitment to ensuring that everything is executed properly.

According to Larkin, “When we visit the US, our goal is not just to attend a rally. We aim to create an event that will truly make a difference,” he stated. He emphasized the significance of this particular market, but also stressed that their intention is not simply to make an appearance and add to the numbers.

Despite some remaining challenges, such as securing necessary funding and insurance coverage, these issues are currently at the forefront of our agenda. Fortunately, being a new event, we are not bound by traditional structures, allowing us the flexibility to tailor the event to meet the needs of our underwriters.

Considering the potential location of the rally in a wooded area, additional factors such as spectator entry must also be taken into account. However, to sum it up, the reintroduction of WRC to America appears highly auspicious.

Hosting a World Rally Championship (WRC) event in the United States could have significant long-term benefits. The inclusion of an American event would attract more fans and increase exposure for the WRC, benefiting teams, sponsors, organizers, and the entire sport.The addition of a US event to the WRC calendar has the potential to greatly expand its fanbase and bring widespread attention to the sport. This will not only benefit the current teams and sponsors involved but also attract new ones, further growing the sport’s popularity.Aside from the obvious positive impact on the WRC community, hosting an event in America would also have a ripple effect on the overall success and growth of the sport. This could lead to increased investment and opportunities for organizers, making it easier to secure future events and continue expanding the reach of the WRC.Furthermore, the exposure gained from an American WRC event would not be limited to just the event itself. It would also generate buzz and interest in the sport globally, potentially attracting new viewers and fans from around the world.In conclusion, the potential long-term ramifications of having a WRC event in the United States are incredibly promising. Not only would it boost the already passionate fanbase of the sport, but it would also bring numerous benefits to teams, sponsors

However, the real buzz is centered around the potential implications of this advancement for consumer vehicles. Rumor has it that Subaru is highly motivated to make a comeback in the World Rally Championship (WRC), with Ford also showing interest in the prospect. Given Toyota’s penchant for producing limited-edition cars inspired by their involvement in motorsports, it’s hard not to feel invigorated by these developments.

Initially, it is vital that the rally occurs with great success. Afterward, we can anticipate an influx of promotional partnerships, potentially leading to the production of genuine rally vehicles for everyday use. Although our admiration for the GR Corolla is immense, a GR Yaris would undoubtedly be an upgrade, and a revival of the iconic Celica would be the ultimate highlight. Let’s keep our fingers crossed.

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