Hyundai’s GTA VI Trailer Proves Surprisingly Good, Breaking the Cringe Mold

Hyundai’s Determination for 2024 WRC Championship Drives Teams to Push Limits

Anticipating the release of Grand Theft Auto VI? You’re definitely not alone, as Hyundai has recently released their own take on the infamous crime-based video game series through a comical and quick video.

Hyundai’s 2024 WRC teams seem to have a great sense of humor, as evidenced by their latest spoof. WRC champion Ott Tanak and his teammate Thierry Neuville play the roles of “partners” in this comical video, which cleverly mimics the trailer for the highly anticipated GTA VI. The music, voices, and even some of the scenes are all replicated with precision. However, viewers shouldn’t expect to see any provocative scenes, like a woman twerking on top of a car on the highway. Instead, they will be treated to a picturesque pose from Tanak’s co-driver Martin Jarveoja, although he may not have the flowing blonde hair or bikini typically associated with such poses.

With close to 170 million views on YouTube, the GTA VI trailer is an ideal choice for anyone searching for a spoof-worthy video. However, unlike most trailers that solely feature flashy jump cuts of Hyundai rally cars in action, this one also includes a heartwarming moment between Tanak and Neuville towards the end. Amidst the chaos and destruction, the two make a promise of trust to each other before breaking through doors armed with power tools. It’s worth noting that Tanak’s voice seems to have mysteriously deepened since the beginning, but let’s not dwell on that. Ultimately, this video brings a smile to our faces, showcasing its comedic value.

Credit must be given to Hyundai for their innovative thinking. As the 2024 WRC season approaches in January, they have found a clever way to generate pre-race buzz. The two teams of Tanak and Jarveoja, as well as Neuville and co-driver Martijn Wydaeghe, will be driving the i20 N Rally1 Hybrid for the entire season. However, Hyundai’s focus is not solely on dominating the WRC. In a statement, Hyundai Motorsport revealed that their goal for the upcoming season is to continue their progress towards becoming the leading manufacturer in WRC by 2025 and 2026. While winning the championship would be a great achievement, it is not their only objective.

If that plan doesn’t pan out, there are countless options awaiting in Vice City.

Source: Hyundai Motorsport

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