Ban on Strange Stance Mod Lifted in Carolinas
The peculiar and contentious alteration to pickup trucks, generally referred to as the Carolina Squat, has been formally outlawed in South Carolina according to WLTX. Following a unified decision within the state’s House of Representatives, steps have been taken to permanently abolish this adjustment.
South Carolina’s governor Henry McMaster has signed a bill into law, making it official that the regulation will take effect in November. This new regulation will be an addition to the “Yankee Tax” that was proposed earlier in the year, which aimed to tax new residents for driving vehicles from other states.
For a first-time breach of this new regulation, there will be an imposition of a $100 penalty. For a repetition of the transgression, a payment of $200 is required; but for a third infringement, an amount of $300 plus a 12-month suspension of the driver’s license will be imposed.
Other countries have taken action to forbid this alteration earlier. Specifically, Senate Bill 777 attempted to stop it from being used on roadways in Virginia. Additionally, North Carolina implemented a prohibition of the same in 2021. Interestingly, the technique arose first in California, and so sometimes is referred to as the “California Lean”.
The critical event that compelled South Carolina lawmakers to act with respect to outlawing this peculiar alteration of vehicles was the fatality of a pedestrian in Myrtle Beach, resulting from an accident involving one of such altered trucks in 2021.
Law enforcement officials have posited that the Carolina Squat could impede a truck driver’s vision, which would be intensely perilous. Of course, implementing such a style means raising the vehicle’s front end, usually by installing half of a suspension lift package; though the backside can remain either at its standard level or even lower than that.
“Squat kits” for Toyota Tacoma and Chevrolet Silverado trucks have become increasingly popular, but they can be dangerous for other road users. What’s more, they may also cause accelerated wear and tear on the truck’s suspension and other components. It’s important to remember that these kits are not always safe.
The Carolina Squat ban is now in effect, but that hasn’t stopped the trend from becoming more and more popular. If you take a look at social media sites, you’ll find plenty of posts about squatted truck groups organizing “takeovers” or “invasions”. These meetups usually involve some kind of silly antics, but it’s not yet clear if this will result in any serious consequences like when the police apprehended 45 supercars in Hong Kong last year.