Toyota’s 900-Mile EV Batteries Revealed

Japanese Carmaker Advancing in Electrification
Next Generation Battery EV Strategy / Takero Kato, BEV Factory President

Toyota has been receiving consistent criticism from environmentalists and investors for the past year due to their hesitance to plunge into the electrification of their vehicles. Nevertheless, they are now pushing back with an aggressive plan to begin producing EVs with, by 2026, more than 600 miles (965 kilometres) range, and in 2028 roughly 900 miles (1,448 km) mileage on a solitary charge.

The automobile conglomerate from Japan recently unveiled plans of their new venture, proclaiming that a premier model of the subsequent EV will make its appearance in 2026, manufactured by Lexus and powered by the latest lithium-ion battery able to provide a single charge on more than 600 miles of distance. This was declared by Automotive News.

The subsequent move, appointed to take place in 2026-2027, is a bipolar lithium iron phosphate battery that will attempt to diminish costs by 40 percent from its erstwhile version, whilst an advanced variation of this battery with 10 percent amplified range has been timetabled for production from 2027-2028.

Toyota predicts that by 2030, they will produce close to 1.7 million electric vehicles with a custom-constructed architecture. These will be advantaged by solid-state batteries as of 2027.

As asserted by the Japanese entity, these latest developments can help to extend the range on their newest generation of lithium-ion batteries up to 20%, with a cutting-edge solid-state battery set for release beyond 2028 that could rise it to 50%, bestowing more than 1,448 km (900 miles) of CO2-free motoring.

Toyota is expanding their capabilities even further, with plans to implement giga casting technologies for more expedited automobile manufacturing on the same path as Tesla’s Giga Presses. Moreover, within two or three years, the Japanese auto-giant has aspirations to put forward ultra-aerodynamic designs that boast a drag coefficient of under 0.20.

Toyota’s top officials announced their multi-faceted strategy for the first time this month at the Higgashi-Fuji Technical Center under the phrase “Let’s shape the future of vehicles”. At the occasion, execs made plain that Toyota is not lagging, but possesses both the technological proficiency and industrial setup to initiate delivering unrivaled electric cars since 2026.

It bears noting that, while the Japanese carmaker is looking to drastically build up its electric vehicle presence, this includes constructing no-emission automobiles in the United States commencing 2025. Simultaneously, they will keep on producing internal-combustion engine autos, as well as hydrogen-fueled vehicles.

At present, Toyota promotes a single EV for the U.S. market, namely the bZ4X crossover, with an opening cost of $42,000 and an Environmental Protection Agency-calculated travel range of 252 miles.

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Source: Toyota via Automotive News

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