Car Rear Damaged but V8 Still Running
We must pay our respects to this pristine 2020 Ford Mustang GT that never made it into the hands of an enthusiast. These images depict a VIN check which reveals no vehicle ownership or accident history whatsoever. Yet, it is obvious from these photos taken during an International Automobile Auction (IAA) that this vehicle has been significantly damaged in a collision.
If we examine this ebony Mustang from a three-quarter view on the copilot side, everything looks alright at first glance. We can’t spot any discoloration in the roof, and the sectional lengths around the entrances seem within regulation. It’s only when looking at the back part that something looks a bit off. Where is the slim line flap included in the GT? And what about the uninhabited area stretching out behind the rearmost tire?
Migrating to the rear, solutions become discernible. The hindquarter fender, baggage lid, and brake lights are not existing, revealing thorough destruction to the platform. Evidently, the major clash was at the motorist-side posterior, quite proximate the axial path. We are uncertain of the specific event; the trading catalogue does not provide any clarification. An unmistakable U-shape remains in the demolition that may well suggest contact with a tree; nevertheless, an off-centered collision to the back of the vehicle is surely a conjecture.
The impairment appears to be quite expansive, but it won’t appear overly poor from the surface. The back window is in good shape, and the clearances of the driver’s panel seem alright as well. Though, when peering within the automobile, the rear seats are pushed towards the front, suggesting that there is considerable unseen destruction beneath the Ford. Experts guessing repair costs range around $30,000, while its value is listed at about $45,000.
Interior shots offer a glimpse of this lower-specified GT, complete with individual instrumentation for the driver and center touchscreen. Interestingly, not only does the driver’s display show only 16.4 miles have been clocked up, it remains an enigma whether the vehicle had been officially allotted to somebody yet. Besides, there appears to be something stuck on the windshield, which looks suspiciously like short-term registration tags. Fortunately, since we can’t witness what is being placed at the rear of the car, this issue should remain unsolved.
This 2024 Mustang is currently situated in North Carolina, with no definite auction date set yet. If you are aiming to source a new 5.0 engine for your motor vehicle project, stay vigilant and await the commencement of bidding.
Thanks for the comprehensive overview. Very helpful!