RUF Launches US Presence In Miami With Private Race Track

Concours Club: An Incredible Location

RUF, a German manufacturer, declared they will be launching their new North American base of operations at The Concours Club in Miami. Alois Ruf Jr, son of the founding father of the corporation, Alois Ruf Sr, was present to render the announcement earlier this week at a Flat Six Fest, that was held at the same place of residence.

For near four decades, the firm has been pushing out remarkable custom Porsche 911s and their automotive annals dates back more than eight decades. Very few companies on the planet can make a classic Porsche look and drive better, thus it is not surprising that aged RUF vehicles cost more than a million dollars.

As business expansion in North America increased, the corporation determined it was an ideal period to present its esteemed clients with an even more sophisticated purchasing encounter.

“The thrill of driving is what RUF Automobile stands for,” states Victor Gomez IV, President of RUF North America. “Engineering excellence, authenticity, and passion are all part of the package, and we feel that The Concours Club in Miami is the ideal base of operations for us to call home.”

The Concours Club undeniably offers a world-class experience. Conveniently sited in Miami, it is possible to reach the site within a mere 20 minutes. What’s more, visitors are provided with a remarkable driving opportunity on a personal track, with convenient access due to two private airports. Absolutely cutting-edge, when we checked out the facility back in 2022 we were simply stunned by the level of attention given to members’ needs. This makes it the ideal place for an organization like RUF.

The boutique auto maker will exploit The Concours Club to host customers by arrangement in order to purchase, trial, and savor the vehicles; likewise, it will present North American customers with sales, servicing, parts, and exclusive occasions.

The organization has completely come into its own, forming models that bring Porsche to mind, yet verifiably more RUF in nature. The bodies and carbon frames of their cars are now invented internally for vehicles such as the CTR Anniversary and SCR.

“The Concours Club is no stranger to establishing new standards of luxury motorsport experiences,” remarked The Concours Club President Aaron Weiss. “RUF has a longstanding tradition of pushing the envelope and redefining what’s possible. We can identify the same values in both RUF and The Concours Club, and we are thrilled to be hosting RUF North America.”


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