RUF Opens in Miami With Private Race Track

Incredible Location at The Concours Club!

RUF, a German maker, recently publicized the launch of its U.S. headquarters situated within The Concours Club in Miami. Alois Ruf Jr., heir to the company’s founder, Alois Ruf Sr., was present at the celebration of the Flat Six Fest held at the resort to deliver the news.

For nearly three-and-a-half decades, RUF has been manufacturing remarkable reimagined Porsche 911s. Their legacy of vehicle engineering is venerable, stretching back to more than eighty years. When it comes to enhancing the appearance and performance of antique Porsches, there’s no one else who rivals their expertise; thus, these vintage RUF cars frequently fetch prices well in excess of one million dollars.

As business success is surging in North America, the firm decided it was time to offer their distinguished customers an even more opulent shopping experience.

“At RUF Automobile, we pride ourselves on engineering excellence, authenticity, and passion – but, most importantly, the thrill of driving,” states Victor Gomez IV, President of RUF North America. “By establishing our headquarters in a global destination city like Miami and a special automotive resort like The Concours Club, we have the perfect base of operations.”

The Concours Club is really a class-leading spot. It is situated in Miami and can be arrived at in merely 20 minutes, presenting a distinct pathway driving occasion with comfortable accessibility by two private airports. When we paid a visit to the facility back in early 2022, we were stunned by how much dedication they put into their visitor experiences. For this reason, it’s the ideal venue for an operation such as RUF.

The boutique manufacturer is going to make the most out of The Concours Club, offering clients admittance by appointment so they can order and experience their vehicles, as well as providing a variety of services, i.e. sales, servicing, parts, and hosting private events for North American customers.

The corporation has truly blossomed, constructing automobiles that embody all the magnificence of Porsche while maintaining the spirit of RUF. Their vehicles now feature hand crafted exterior shells and carbon fiber undercarriages, such as their latest CTR Anniversary and SCR models.

“Establishing a new precedent is something that The Concours Club is no stranger to, as we have set the bar for luxury motorsport experiences,” states Aaron Weiss, President of The Concours Club. “RUF is an iconic brand that has a long-standing tradition of pushing the boundaries and redefining what is possible. We appreciate the similarities between RUF and The Concours Club. We are delighted to be hosting RUF North America.”


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