Tesla Model 3: 95% Capacity After 135K Miles – Here’s Why

Maintaining EV Battery: 2 Easy Tips.
Stop Killing Your Tesla Battery! How to Charge the Right Way

A common counterpoint heard in discourse regarding electric automobiles is the contention that the substantial energy source of their high-energy accumulators, on which their electric engines depend, may not last that long – thus, undoubtably placing them at a considerable disadvantage as compared to those powered by petrol.

In years gone, this may have been verifiable; yet, since the beginning of the century, improvements in both battery compound and heat monitoring have considerably broadened the life expectancy of lithium-ion sets so that they now boast a longer operational span than ever.

By the close of August, a research study done by Recurrent Auto, which studied battery information from more or less 6,300 Tesla Model 3s in the US, revealed that, usually, they still maintained around 90% capability after five years of regular use.

Presently, a video created by well-recognized Tesla enthusiast Andy Slye and posted to his YouTube channel (embedded at the top of this page) has been released that illustrates his Model 3 possessing 95 percent Electrical Capacity after five years of operation and around 135,000 miles traveled.

Take heed, his Extended-Range Electric Vehicle is powered by the nickel cobalt aluminum (NCA) type of battery, which is known to experience elevated levels of weakening when exceeding an 80 percent state of charge (SoC), contrasting with the lithium iron phosphate (LFP) chemical makeup; a great feat indeed.

The greatness of this accomplishment is not just in the outcome, but in how realistically it can be replicated. Through the use of easy tactics, this low rate of deterioration can be attained by almost any EV proprietor.

To begin, he primarily charges his Model 3 at home using either a Level 1 or Level 2 charger, yet he possesses an incredible two million complimentary Supercharging miles available to him through his Tesla app, which he can use to power up through the conglomerate’s colossal DC fast charger system.

Secondly, and this is likely the most crucial action a owner of an Electric Vehicle with NCA or NCM (nickel cobalt manganese) batteries can take in order to maximize lifetime – adjusting the charge limit in vehicle settings to eighty percent.

It is suggested by the car’s very own display to do this, though some who have fears of running out of energy may overlook that detail and charge it all the way up to total capacity, regardless of whether their daily travels would necessitate a lesser level of power.

It appears that the range degradation of EVs has an insignificant impact whether predominantly relying on a DC fast charger or a domestic charging point, provided that the preconditioning setting is employed and the battery’s state of charge does not fall into too low or too high levels during connection to a DC fast charger.

Source: Andy Slye (YouTube)

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