NJ Dentist’s Porsche 911T: Stunning Creative Chaos Six Nine
No one should be astonished if a dentist became an enthusiast for Porsche vehicles. Nevertheless, what will be the result of that dentist journeying toward the depths of remodeling a certain Porsche while being educated by professionals in bodywork, engine restoration, and welding? The response is a superbly constructed gem of a car plus the owner with freshly acquired modding proficiency who still happens to perform dental services for others.
In this video, YouTuber Magnus Walker interviews Charles Lennon of New Jersey to gain insight into the modification process of his burnt orange 1969 Porsche 911T, affectionately nicknamed “Creative Chaos Six Nine”. As the two chat, the iconic New York City landmarks of Grand Central Station and the Brooklyn Bridge can be seen in the background, providing a stunning backdrop for this magnificent car.
At first sight, Lennon’s 911T appears to be a standard 911; no overt clues revealing that it is an independent Porsche. However, if you get up close and look carefully, several distinct details come into view that label this car as a deviant Porsche. For instance, some prototypes of the early 1960s Porsche 356, like the dual trunk lid grille and customized exhaust pipes with supports modelled on the 917, can be distinguished.
The enormous brakes are also based on the 917 style. The modifiable spring plate suspension has its roots in the 911 design, and the steering wheel was borrowed from the 914.
Lennon delved into his own investigations concerning the scorched orange outer coating as well as the corresponding inside, invoking memories of Singer Vehicle Design’s personalized 911 from 2015 that sported a similar shade layout. Graphite gray and aubergine purple were selected to add to the subtle aura of a subversive rebel.
The Six Nine’s reworked 3.4-liter power plant began its life as an 80s-styled 3.2-liter 911 unit which had a 915 gearbox. Walker is informed by the mechanic that it outputs 285 horsepower, while he has no plans to take it to the racetrack at all.
Lennon’s accomplishments are truly remarkable; he has developed the acumen to carry out a vast array of customizations single-handedly, relying on and profiting from increased guidance from a group of professionals. All these authorities have particular expertise in the automobile industry. That said, the sleek, customized car even features an exclusive Outlaw Crescent emblem crafted by one of their specialists.
The dental practitioner apprised Walker how his creative toil on the Six Nine has revolutionized his life. By virtue of its outside modifications and mechanical advances, it also fits MotorTrend’s definition of an eccentric Porsche. Irrespective, it’s not easy to overlook Charles Lennon’s imaginative procedure as a masterpiece.