Employees: Buy Ferrari Stock Now

Hiring 250 New Employees Soon

Working for Ferrari is an aspiration for many, and it’s about to get even better for those on Maranello’s team. The Prancing Horse is proud to employ more than 5,000 people. Early next year, the “broad-based share ownership plan” will be rolled out, giving workers the opportunity to become shareholders by investing in a one-time grant of shares. These shares are estimated to cost up to €2,065, which is roughly equivalent to $2,250 at the current exchange rate.

Provided shares are held for a minimum of three years, potential buyers will be granted the opportunity to obtain extra shares, however not more than 15 percent of the original purchase’s worth. Even though a majority of personnel are in Italy, those working offshore can participate in this program. There will be no cost to acquiring a stock, in fact, the exotic Italian car maker will bear any costs linked with managing the plan.

One may wonder who belongs to the distinguished ranks of Ferrari’s owners. Holding entity Exor N.V. has the largest containing stake at 24.44 percent. It is followed by Piero Ferrari, son of the late Enzo Ferrari, who proprietorship stands at 10.39 percent – his is the only surviving progeny of the Italian automobile innovator. Investment institutions BlackRock holds 5.69 percent and T. Rowe Price Associates owns 4.48 percent. The remaining 55 percent are dispersed amongst public shareholders. Furthermore, it was in 2015 that Fiat Chrysler Automobiles spun off Ferrari as an individual unit, turning it into a public corporation.

Ferrari are anticipating a period of anticipation, mulling over the appointment of 250 individuals to their staff in the initial six months of 2024. Already having booked orders for projects through until 2026, demand is thought to surge upon the launch of their debut electric car at the conclusion of 2025. To prepare, they will unveil a new plant located in Maranello in late June 2024 where production of hybrids and electrified vehicles will take place. Notably, Q3 2023 marks the first occasion when hybrids outsold internal combustion engines (ICE).

It’s no secret that electric vehicles are the future, whether you like it or not. Ferrari is forecasting that hybrids will make up 40% of its total sales by the end of the decade, and EVs are expected to have a 40% market share by 2030. This leaves just 20% of the market for vehicles powered solely by combustion engines. But according to CEO Benedetto Vigna, all is not lost for traditionalists. He commented that “ICE still has a lot to do,” referring to the potential of synthetic fuels to save the gasoline engine.

Source: Ferrari

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