Ford Easily Claims 2023 Most-Recalled Title in US

Ford: Most Recalled Brand 3rd Year Running

In the last year, information released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) up until December 20th reveals that Ford Motor Company issued fifty four separate recalls total, which could be potentially impacting 5,692,135 vehicles during 2023. This makes it the third consecutive year that the Ford brand held the number one position in regards to the greatest number of recall notices issued in the USA.

Referencing sheer volume of impacted vehicles, Ford possessed nearly double the quantity of Kia’s, generating a total of 3 million recalls. Most of these were as a consequence of leaking brake fluid which posed fire hazards. Depending on total recall amounts, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles USA ended up being Ford’s direct competitor at 2.7 million vehicles recalled, trailed by BMW with 29, Mercedes-Benz with 27, and Nissan at 22 in the top 5 of all automakers.

Ford’s figures have decreased considerably from 68 recalls concerning 8.5 million cars in 2022; however, they are still way better than other car makers. Roughly 30% fewer instances of recalls compared to the past year, according to Ford, who issued this comment to Motor1: “We keep safety first here at Ford and remain mindful of the impact our actions could have on customers. It is our commitment to take a proactive approach to scrutinize our vehicles and improve them quickly and efficiently if a need arises.”

The unexpected news for 2023 includes Volkswagen. You may remember the German manufacturer taking second rank after Ford in 2022, with 45 recalls affecting around a million vehicles. We were astonished at the absence of VW presence on NHTSA’s graph for the same year, which revealed just 12 names. We questioned if maybe the details weren’t publicized yet; looking particularly at the company without delay, we lucked upon 18 notifications impacting 332,700 cars, representing a tangible decrease in comparison to the preceding year.

We posed a query to Volkswagen with regards to the year-on-year enhancement. A spokesperson gave Motor1 the following remark:

Though Ford continues to lead in terms of customer recall numbers, Tesla was the unfortunate recipient of the biggest single auto manufacturer recall in 2023 – linked to its Autopilot driver-assistance system. Banks of remembrances were fresh as this occurred at the launch of December, impacting a shocking 2,031,220 vehicles. This comes pretty much close to touching every Tesla car built for US markets but fortunately for them this should not come with too hefty of a financial penalty. To tackle this issue National Highway Traffic Safety Administration stated Autopilot needs to incorporate more failsafes and therefore Tesla intends to amend these through an online software update.

As we find ourselves in the closing weeks of 2023, it is possible a sizeable recall could appear. Should this occur, we shall of course post an update. However, given the imminent holiday break for many, don’t depend on it any time soon.

Source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration via Automotive News

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