350K Lego Bricks Bring Life-Size Volvo V70 to Reality

Impressive 1:1 Scale Model, a Year in the Making, Now Looks Spectacular

We find it amusing that a vintage “brick” Volvo V70 has been immortalized as a life-size Lego wagon, constructed entirely out of, you guessed it, bricks. In the words of Volvo, this 1:1 replica has been a project in the making for more than a year, with the company posting photos of the build on Facebook.

David Gustafsson, a devoted enthusiast of Lego from Sweden, has earned over 400,000 Lego pieces as the victorious participant of the Lego Masters contest a couple of years ago. He has an impressive track record as a Lego craftsman, and this triumph inspired him to take on the ambitious project of constructing a life-size replica of his personal vehicle, the Volvo V70. A website called Brickscale.com showcases his ongoing project, although it must be disclaimed that not all materials utilized are exclusively Lego. A foundational metal structure and conventional wheels with tires are also incorporated to allow for the V70 to move smoothly.

With the exception of a few minor details, all other components are directly inspired by Lego. This encompasses the seats, dashboard, steering wheel, and even a fully operational instrument cluster. The front and rear sections are reinforced by sturdy Lego bulkheads underneath. The doors can be opened, while the headlights illuminate – giving off an authentic car feel.

In reality, this Lego wagon is equipped with a variety of practical features. Upon browsing through David’s Instagram feed, we can observe the presence of power mirrors, rotating knobs for adjusting the climate control, a shifter that can be moved, and headlights that pivot in sync with the steering wheel’s movements. Notably, it boasts functional steering, a key component as the wheels are powered by an electric motor. Essentially, this Lego creation can be considered an electric vehicle that is fully operational and drivable.

According to Brickscale, the V70 was showcased at the Ecar Expo in Gothenburg, allowing viewers to witness the assembly process firsthand. This event took place in December, and just two weeks ago, David posted Instagram pictures revealing the nearly completed interior. A recent video also reveals that the rear section of the roof has now been finalized.

As a project still in progress, over 350,000 bricks have been dedicated to the construction thus far. The usage of all 400,000 bricks from the Lego Masters victory remains uncertain, however, we will monitor David’s social media for any updates as he approaches completion. Should you find yourself in Sweden, the vehicle will be showcased at different venues throughout April.

Sources: Volvo Cars / Facebook, Brickscale.com

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