700-HP Neon Reaches 200.9 MPH on Standing Mile

700 HP from Modified 2.4L Four-Cylinder Econobox

This unassuming Dodge Neon may come off as rudimentary, but it is proving surprisingly powerful. Its recent accomplishment of topping out at 200.9 mph during the Texas Mile – an event which seeks to find the greatest one-mile speed – has demonstrated its remarkable capabilities. The fact that such a lean machine was able to outperform the tough and muscular Dodge Challenger Redeye–which only achieved 177 mph at the standing mile–is mighty impressive indeed. It is clear that this Neon definitely has some speed.

Despite bygone days of a 2.0-liter, the Neon today is powered by a 2.4-liter turbocharged power plant, retrieved from a scrap car purchased in 2010. Malcolm T. Ward, the owner of the vehicle, declares it originally had 150 horsepower, although now with its SRT-4 unit, it’s far from its unassuming starting point. Visually, it looks nothing like the original 1998 model; instead, it has been transformed into a beastly titan that one need look no further than to be impressed.

Texas Mile Neon We did it!!!

In original factory condition, the 2.4-liter block was able to generate approximately 230 horse power (hp) after 2004. Ward substantially tripled this number, and the finished vehicle is around 700 hp, similar to the capability of a Dodge’s Challenger Hellcat siblings. The engine went through comprehensive alterations in order to get those power results, now working with VP C85 racing fuel. Although the proprietor did not specify the actual approach for his car’s upgrade, it is hinted a lot of work went into the project in order to acquire its tremendous hp ratings.

The initial trial of the vehicle was unsuccessful to attain the 200 mph restriction, fluctuating roughly in the span between 176 to 196 mph. Nonetheless, after raising the turbocharger, the car ultimately accomplished its aim at 200.9 mph on its final lap.

Nevertheless, this won’t be the initial occurrence where Ward has taken part in the Texas Mile. He had competed previously with a semi-updated Neon back in 2012 and snagged a velocity of 169 mph.

Accelerating to 2019, Ward arrived at a previously unattainable speed of 190 mph following a few modifications to the car for aerodynamic purposes and revamping the engine.

He was initially poised to reach his aspiration of 200 mph in October 2020. Unfortunately, the vehicle suffered a head gasket rupture at the occasion.

The prominent Standing Mile event provides the perfect platform for vehicles to reach their most optimal speed and initiate record-breaking feats. Picks up from where a quarter of a mile leaves so much on the table, we wish we could have witnessed the expressions on the drivers behind their luxurious sports cars when an inconspicuous Neon outpaced them with a 200 miles per hour.

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