Ferrari Adam Driver in ‘Ferrari’ Movie: Racing and Crashing

Ferrari’s 1957 Mille Miglia Race and Life Challenges
FERRARI - Official Trailer - In Theaters Christmas

Finally, the long-awaited theatrical trailer of Ferrari, the biographical movie concerning the iconic automaker mogul, is here in advance of the film’s release date in the United States delimited for Christmas Day. Starring Adam Driver as Enzo Ferrari, it recounts the brand’s challenge in 1957 during the Mille Miglia, a trans-Italian race. The video implies the presence of both intense vehicular excitement and profound personal distress as Enzo endeavors to maintain his corporation and juggles family complications all at once.

In 1957, Ferrari had only recently begun to make their name as a manufacturer of road cars and they were still far from being the well-known powerhouse it is today. The trailer shows the brand on the verge of bankruptcy due to outgoings surpassing income. It is suggested Enzo must be triumphant at the Mille Miglia to save the company. This narrative introduces us to three talented racing drivers; Patrick Dempsey playing Piero Taruffi, Jack O’Connell as Peter Collins and Gabriel Leone in the role of Alfonso De Portago.

The teaser clip provides plenty of racing, including head-to-head competitions with a Maserati. It also contains several tense and alarming crashes.

Meanwhile, Ferrari is facing familial hardships. In 1956, his son Dino passed away and Penelope Cruz is depicted as his wife Laura, standing in front of their child’s tomb at 1:49 into the trailer. Additionally, Shailene Woodley stars as Lina Lardi, portraying Enzo’s lover.

Without giving away too much information about the infamous 1957 Mille Miglia, the race ended up being a mixed bag of fortune for Ferrari. Unhappily, an unfortunate crash during the contest led the Italian government to initiate a ban on automotive racing being done on public roadways.

Michael Mann helmed Ferrari. He is distinguished for his crime thrillers like Heat and Collateral, not forgetting the movie and TV program Miami Vice.

“I can’t even begin to count the number of times I thought this was an impossible movie to make,” Mann confessed to Deadline Hollywood. “But each time, I’d go back and reread the script and be reminded of the captivating elements that drew me in in the first place. This kept me devoted to the project until the very end.”

At the Venice Film Festival, Ferrari received its worldwide debut, to which the crowd showed their approval with a rapturous 7.5-minute standing ovation.

Source: Neon via YouTube

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